Applying for permanent residence in Sweden

residence card sweden living permanent residence

If you have held a work permit in Sweden for 4 years you may be eligible for permanent residence. We have written the steps and requirements in another article. The application for permanent residence is almost the exact same as a standard work permit extension application. The only difference is that if you have family members who have dependent permits in Sweden one additional form needs to be submitted. This form can be found here

As an application for permanent residence is the same as for an extension there will not be any specific place for you to upload this document. You can instead upload it under one of the tabs for your partner/spouse (for example the passport tab).

After receiving permanent residence in Sweden, you will no longer tied to one single employer, occupation, family ties, or any of the other permit conditions. The only requirement to maintaining one’s permanent residence status is to keep living in Sweden. If you will leave Sweden for more than 1 year, or if you settle in another country, the permanent residence status may be revoked. If you intend on leaving Sweden for up to 2 years you can still keep your permanent residence status but a notification form must be submitted to the Migration Agency at the latest 1 week before moving abroad.

The form can be found here and it should be sent to this address:

601 70 Norrköping