Sweden permanent residence permit benefits

Permanent residence benefits

Obtaining permanent residence in Sweden is something that most permit holders living in Sweden strive for. We have an article about how to obtain permanent residence on different permit types that you can find here.

While this is something that many strive for, the benefits of permanent residence are quite basic. The biggest perk of obtaining permanent residence is not needing to apply for another permit again as long as you continue living in Sweden. 

Once you have obtained permanent residence you are no longer required to work, study, or to have any other occupation in order to continue staying in Sweden after this permit has been granted. This means that you are free to live in Sweden regardless of how your life may evolve or change. The only thing you will need to do is to renew your residence permit card every 5 years which can be done by booking an appointment to submit biometrics again at an office of the Migration Agency. You can find the link to this here and you will need to book an appointment to “Have your fingerprints and photograph taken”. 

Aside from being able to reside in Sweden permanently, other benefits include being eligible to receive financial aid when studying. This means that you will be paid to study in Sweden providing that you meet certain salary and age requirements. You can find more information about this on CSN’s website here

The other main benefit with permanent residence is that you become eligible to apply for Swedish citizenship once you meet the physical presence requirement. The requirement for citizenship can be found in our article here.