pending decition on work permit extension


I am living in Sweden since 2018 togetehr with my family (husband and 2 kids ).
Its being more than 4 months now that we have submitted our documents for work permit extension but only my husband received an PR and rest of us are still waiting .
Based on the information on the web page that it takes 3 months to get a decision on permits , we made a holiday plan for all family for Easter to travel within Schenegen area . Now the situation changed and they are saying the waiting time is exceptional long .I am wondering why is there no back up plan for those who made future plans and due to slow processing time losing a lot of money for the booked travel.
Will it be ok if I show am able to proof that I am living and working in Sweeden and my kids are studying , I have a driving licence and my husband is holding a PR and we are out of Sweden (in Schegenegen area) just for 4 days .
I am losing a lot of money here for no fault of mine .We just planned the futeu a little bit based on the info we had .
Can I get any support here .
What will happen if I still travel?

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